MaKey MaKey!

Within our unit of inquiry on imagination, the students in Preschool 5 have been exploring a piece of technology called the ‘MaKey MaKey’.

According to the creators of ‘MaKey MaKey’, it is ‘an invention kit for the 21st century’

The ‘MaKey MaKey’ turns everyday objects into a touch pad for the laptop to use online and only works with materials which will conduct electricity.

The students also explored the transfer of electricity as they discovered that some buttons would only work if they were connected to (touching the arm or hand of) the person holding the electrical source (the grey wire). In this way, the MaKey MaKey initiated an investigation into the properties of electricity.

Using the MaKey MaKey the children were enabled to create banana pianos and playdough bongos! 🙂 It was the perfect tool to enable the students to use technology to be creative, inventive and imaginative.


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