To the Rescue!!!

With the beginning of our new unit on Imagination, the students’ ideas and creativity have run wild! With integrations from music and art, they have been really learning about how they can express themselves in different ways through the use of their imaginations. In art, the students created their own Superheroes along with super powers, background stories, and masks! Great job, preschool 5 superheroes! 😀

Light and Shadows

The preschool 5 have been doing a great job experimenting and learning about Light and Shadow. They have learned about the Scientific Method steps to conducting their own experiments and have been showing the knowledge they have gained through the experiments. They have learned that light is made up of all the colors of the rainbow and that light is important because it gives us heat, energy, and helps us to see! Keep up the great work, Bunnies and Ninja Turtles.

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Measuring Fun!

Preschool 5 have been doing a great job exploring measuring with non-standard units of measurement. The students have been developing a concept of length through exploration, discussion and using appropriate vocabulary. The children have estimated, measured and recorded the length of various objects using lollipop sticks, buttons, cubes, counters, themselves, the footsteps and many other non-standards units. Keep up the great work Bunnies and Ninja Turtles!

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Buddy Reading with Grade 3 :)

This week the Brilliant Bunnies and the Ninja Turtles had their first session of buddy reading with the students from grade 3. Each child was paired with a student from grade 3, and they took turns reading to each other. The Brilliant Bunnies and the Ninja Turtles had a lot of fun and really enjoyed displaying their fantastic literacy skills with their new buddies! 🙂

Listening to older students read will help develop a love of reading and a greater motivation to read among the Preschool 5 students. By reading to their older buddies each week, the younger students will develop a sense of accomplishment while they build fluency. Buddy reading provides success in literacy, which encourages all students to become more positive about their ability to read and will also improve reading skills.




Hour of Code

This week, both Preschool 5 classes took part in ‘Hour of Code’. The Hour of Code is a global movement, which introduces computer sciences to children of all ages, worldwide. Coding helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. By starting early, children are given a foundation for success in developing skills and math concepts, needed in the 21st century. We used Bee-bots and the Bee-bot app to practice our coding skills. As well as learning, we had a lot of fun!

If any parents would like to learn more about the Hour of Code, please follow this link:

Well done Preschool 5!


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Fun with Numbers!

The children in Preschool 5 have been having lots of fun working with numbers. The children are enjoying counting forwards, backwards, and counting on. They are working hard in small groups practicing to recognize and order numbers, and also matching numerals to the correct amount.  They are enjoying playing games which help them to recognize amounts in a set, and to combine and separate sets.

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Relationships – Focus on Friendship

Preschool 5 is well into our new unit on Relationships. We will talk about the different types of relationships we have with people, beginning with friendships. Both preschool 5 classes are learning about how to make and keep friends. By participating in the Friendship Challenge, students are practicing being open-minded, playing with and respecting their classmates. Keep up the great work, Preschool 5!

Hispanic Day!

A few weeks ago, the school celebrated our first special event, Hispanic Day! The students sang songs in Spanish, heard stories read in Spanish, played games, and had their faces painted. All the activities were run by the middle school students. Parent volunteers even came to our Preschool 5 classes to read stories to the students. Both classes cannot wait for the next special event!

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Wrapping Up “Communities”

Preschool 5 has been doing a lot of activities to help reinforce our Unit of Inquiry on Communities, from building our very own communities using 3D shapes to hearing about the roles of parents in our own community. We even went on a field trip to the Civil Defense to meet with and see the tools that Fire Fighters use to help in our own community of Doha. The students have been taking advantage of these learning opportunities, practicing their inquiry skills by asking questions to learn more. What a great way to end our unit, Preschool 5!


Kelso’s Choices

This past week, we introduced the students to Kelso’s Choices. We are teaching them to become empowered and confident (one of our attitudes) in themselves to solve their own small problems. A wheel of choices should have gone home with the students. Please go over it with them at home and have them practice making their own choices to resolve issues. Some of them have already been using the different choices at school. Great job, Preschool 5! We hope that you remember that you are “Smart enough and strong enough to solve your own problems.” -Kelso

kelso wheel