Sports Day 2016

Today was the PYP Sports Day! Preschool 5 did a fantastic job of working collaboratively with their teams in all sporting activities. There were 7 stations: The Arrow Hoop, Fairy Blue Bear Picking Mushrooms, The Maze Runner, Baton Energy, Super Dooper Jumper, Tug of Peace and Football Penalty Challenge. We had a great day! 🙂

Hour of Code

This week, both Preschool 5 classes took part in ‘Hour of Code’. The Hour of Code is a global movement, which introduces computer sciences to children of all ages, worldwide. Coding helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. By starting early, children are given a foundation for success in developing skills and math concepts, needed in the 21st century. We used Bee-bots and the Bee-bot app to practice our coding skills. As well as learning, we had a lot of fun!

If any parents would like to learn more about the Hour of Code, please follow this link:

Well done Preschool 5!


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Friendship Challenge Field Trip :)

Preschool 5 had a lot of fun at the Friendship Challenge Field Trip yesterday! The children did a great job working cooperatively with each other and demonstrating teamwork. Both the Bunny Class and the Ninja Turtle Class were able to put into action the new skills they have learned throughout the unit, and demonstrate the learner profile attributes of ‘open-minded’ and ‘caring’. The children made new friends, were kind to each other and also had a lot of fun! Well done Preschool 5! 🙂

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Hispanic Day!

A few weeks ago, the school celebrated our first special event, Hispanic Day! The students sang songs in Spanish, heard stories read in Spanish, played games, and had their faces painted. All the activities were run by the middle school students. Parent volunteers even came to our Preschool 5 classes to read stories to the students. Both classes cannot wait for the next special event!

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Wrapping Up “Communities”

Preschool 5 has been doing a lot of activities to help reinforce our Unit of Inquiry on Communities, from building our very own communities using 3D shapes to hearing about the roles of parents in our own community. We even went on a field trip to the Civil Defense to meet with and see the tools that Fire Fighters use to help in our own community of Doha. The students have been taking advantage of these learning opportunities, practicing their inquiry skills by asking questions to learn more. What a great way to end our unit, Preschool 5!


Preschool 5 Scientists in the Making

The students have really enjoyed doing experiments in our Light and Shadows Unit of Inquiry. They have learned and are quite familiar with the Scientific Method and have gained knowledge about the different properties and purposes of light. They also learned how to make shadows and how light affects the size, shape, and position of the shadows. They even took part in a field trip where they learned about UV lights and created their own glow-in-the dark balls. Great job, scientists!IMG_9471IMG_9466IMG_9464IMG_9465IMG_9467IMG_9468IMG_9469IMG_9470IMG_9471IMG_9462IMG_9463IMG_9393IMG_9401IMG_9378IMG_9377IMG_9380IMG_9471

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Student Led Conferences

Thank you for joining us for our second annual student led conferences. The students greatly enjoyed sharing their portfolios and reflecting on their learning. Students whose parents were not able to join us were glad to have the opportunity to present their portfolios at home. Your children have made great progress during their time in preschool 5 and loved having the opportunity to show it! It’s hard to believe that the school year is almost drawing to a close.

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Preschool 5 Watches Robin Hood

This week preschool 5 had the opportunity to watch a production of Robin Hood and the Al Ryaan theater. Students greatly enjoyed the performance and were glad to have a real life example of a play. Students discussed the elements of a play that they saw during the performance. They were inspired to incorporate some of the ideas into their own plays. Below are some highlights from the show:

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Book Week

Thank you for joining our book week celebration! Students loved dressing up as their favorite book characters and they looked great! After participating in a small assembly where Middle School students read Eric Carle books, the students completed a finger painting activity in the library. Additionally, students participated in a whole school parade where they were able to show off their costumes! Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to read in our classrooms. The students were excited to have guest readers! On Thursday students attended an assembly to learn who won the bookmark and short story contests. They also heard a story written by our very own Mr. Ali. Finally, students who chose to participate were able to switch one of their old books with another student. It was a great week!

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