Our Field Trip to the Civil Defence

We had a fantastic time visiting the firefighters at the Civil Defence. They spoke to us about their role in the community and how they keep people and animals safe. They also showed us the tools that they use to do this. We all got to go into the fire engine and see the equipment stored there. We saw the firefighters’ protective clothing and how they evacuate the fire station quickly when their is an emergency. They even showed us how they come down the special firefighters’ pole! Finally, we all had a turn at spraying the fire fighters’ hose! We all had a great day! 🙂

Hispanic Day

Wednesday the 12th of October was Hispanic Day. We were very happy and excited to celebrate this day. This was a celebration of Hispanic culture. The MYP students came to our classroom to read stories, sing songs and play different activities with us. We were engaged and had loads of fun.

Student Led Conferences

Thank you to all parents who attended Preschool 5 student led conferences today. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you. This was an excellent opportunity for the children to demonstrate the fantastic progress they have made so far in Preschool 5, and also to feel proud of all of their accommplishments so far! Thank you!



SEK Qatar Book Week 2016

Preschool 5 students had a fantastic week celebrating Book Week! The children celebrated their favourite stories and authors throughout the week, and had the special opportunity to dress up as a character from a book and join in the Character Parade! 🙂 Throughout the week, the students had visits from many ‘Mystery Readers’ in various languages, enjoyed buddy reading with older students, had a visit from a children’s authour, attended the Preschool Story Cinema, engaged in daily D.E.A.R Time and also enjoyed the Book Fair, the Book Week Assembly and a field trip to Maktaba Library! Thank you to everybody involved for making Book Week such a success for the preschool 5 students. They had a brilliant week full of fun and reading! 🙂


Field Trip to Maktaba Library

Preschool 5 students had a lot of fun on the field trip to Maktaba Library today. The children enjoyed exploring the library and its sections, listening to the librarian read, respondin to the stories through games and crafts and finally, a picnic outside. It was an excellent start to Book Week 🙂

Celebration of Learning & International Day :D

Preschool 5 did a fantastic job of preparing for, and presenting their Celebration of Learning on our unit on Cultures and Traditions. They worked hard to research and create projects about their chosen countries of interest. The students did an excellent job of presenting their projects to their parents, and also sharing their learning with the Dinosaur and Panda classes! They also learned songs and dances from several countries like Mexico, Argentina, Spain, and Qatar. The students shared their learning about their countries, China (Pre 5A) and Austria (Pre 5B), through traditional songs and dances, which they performed during International Day.  Thank you to those of you who were able to attend and celebrate your student’s hard work! Wonderful job, Preschool 5!!! 🙂

Field Trip to Souq Waqif

Preschool 5 students had a fantastic field trip to Souq Waqif last week. The children demonstrated the attributes of an inquirer – they were asking questions, making observations, collecting evidence and later drawing conclusions from what they witnessed. The children were especailly interested in the animals of Qatar, and luckily on this trip we were able to meet horses, falcons and camels!

Back in the classroom , the students reflected on their experiences on the trip and were able to draw conclusions about cultures and traditions of Qatar through discussion, observation and inquiry. The students used the experience to learn new things about the culture of Qatar and also,direct future learning about other cultures and traditions from around the world. It was a fun and educational experience. 🙂

Below are some samples of the evidence collected by the students themselves.


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100 Days of School Celebration

The Preschool 5 had a great time celebrating 100 days of learning. They several activities, including counting and writing to 100, making an art project out of the number 100, collecting and counting out 100 snacks, and doing physical activities like hula hooping, bouncing basketballs, throwing frisbees, and bouncing on the big ball. Fantastic job, Bunnies and Ninja Turtles! Keep up the great work the rest of the days you have left of Preschool 5… 🙂

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