Author’s Visit to Preschool

Last Thursday, 17th of November, we had a special visitor into our school.

Hana Rogers is a children’s author who has written two children’s books ‘Everyday Wishes’ and ‘MJ and the Dream’.

These books are available in English, Spanish, Arabic and French. Hana shared her story books with our class and shared her experiences of being an author with us. We had the chance to interview her and ask about how she formed ideas, how she worked on rhyming words and how the books were illustrated and made. We had a really great day 🙂

Our Field Trip to the Civil Defence

We had a fantastic time visiting the firefighters at the Civil Defence. They spoke to us about their role in the community and how they keep people and animals safe. They also showed us the tools that they use to do this. We all got to go into the fire engine and see the equipment stored there. We saw the firefighters’ protective clothing and how they evacuate the fire station quickly when their is an emergency. They even showed us how they come down the special firefighters’ pole! Finally, we all had a turn at spraying the fire fighters’ hose! We all had a great day! 🙂

Working with Words :)

The students in Preschool 5 have been working hard blending and building words! The children have been engaged in a range of activities within their classrooms to practice reading and making many CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words. We used magnetic letters, play dough and phonics cubes to build words, and practiced reading words through games. We all had a lot of fun! The students are learning fast and are on their way to soon begin reading books! Great work Preschool 5 🙂


Welcome to Preschool 5!

Welcome to all students and parents of the new preschool 5 classes at SEK Qatar!

The students have had a wonderful first week back getting to know their new teachers and making new friends.

We are all looking forward to a fantastic year ahead full of fun and learning!

~ Ms Gill and Ms Yasmin

Preschool 5A – End of Year Celebration – Thank you! :)

Thank you to all students and parents for a fantastic year! The students learned so much and really enjoyed their time in Preschool 5. The brilliant bunnies were a pleasure to teach and I am so proud of all their growth and achievements this year. I have learned so much from all your wonderful children and wish them all the best in the future. We have made some fantastic memories this year. This video from the graduation is a snapshot of some of the great time we spent in Preschool 5A 🙂 Thank you to all parents for the wonderful support, and thank you to the students for the wonderful memories! 🙂

~ Ms Gill

MaKey MaKey!

Within the current unit of inquiry on imagination, the students in Preschool 5 have been exploring a piece of technology called the ‘MaKey MaKey’.

According to the creators of MaKey MaKey, it is ‘an invention kit for the 21st century’.

The MaKey MaKey turns everyday objects into a touch pad for the laptop to use online and only works with materials which will conduct electricity. The students caried out an investigation to find suitable materials to use, which will conduct electricty. We found that solids such as plastics and wood would not work. But metals, such as sharpeners or coins, and objects containing air or liquids, such as playdough and various fruits did.

The students also explored the tranfer of electricty as they discovered that some buttons would only work if they were connected to (touching the arm or hand of) the person holding the elctrictal source (the grey wire). In this way, the MaKey MaKey initiated a detailed investigation into the properties of electricity.

Using the MaKey MaKey the children were enabled to create banana pianos and playdough bongos! 🙂 It was the perfect tool to enable the students to use technology to be creative, inventive and imaginative.


Attached below is a video of the children’s experience using the MaKey Makey. Well done Preschool 5! The next generation of inventors! 🙂